Depression, Anxiety, Psychotraumatism and Suicide: From bench to bedside and general population

Depression, anxiety, psychotrauma and suicide risk are major public health priorities, that are intricated.

The MOODS project aims at decreasing suffering, disability, mortality and costs due to depression, anxiety, psychotrauma and suicide. This project is a major public health research challenge.

Our objective is to improve the comprehension, prevention and treatment of depression, anxiety, psychotrauma and suicide, through an inter-disciplinary approach, that could identify adequate phenotypes, relevant biomarkers and therapeutic strategies in this field, with a special focus on age and gender.

To address these aims, we will take advantage of tools and experience developed by the pre-clinical, clinical and general population components of the team: animal models, pre-existing cohorts of depressed patients and pre-existing cohorts of the 

The MOODS team is a multidisciplinary team with preclinical (neurosciences, pharmacology, pharmacogenetic), clinical (psychiatry, child psychiatry, psychology, pharmacology, geriatry), anthropology, epidemiology and public health expertises.

The MOODS team comprises 77 members, of whom 16 PU, 20 HDR, 6 MCU, 1 INSERM CR and 3 ingeneers.

The team is affiliated to Paris- Saclay University (Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy), Antilles University and La Réunion University, and also to Paris-Saclay University-Hospital Group, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, to Martinique University-Hospital Center and To La Reunion University-Hospital Center.

Moods publications

@MOODS_Inserm et @MoodCenter_APHP



Clinique et Epidémiologie : 

Nouveau Bâtiment de Recherche – Faculté de Médecine Paris Saclay
63 Rue Gabriel Péri, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre

Pré-clinique :

Laboratoire de Neuropharmacologie - Faculté de Pharmacie
Bâtiment Henri Moissan
17, avenue des Sciences
F-91400 Orsay

Principaux Financeurs
Université Paris-Sud
ANR (Agence nationale de la Recherche)
Financeurs internationaux (Brain & Behavior Research Foundation par exemple)


Dernières publications

Is there such a thing as emergency ethics in psychiatry? A cross-analysis of interventional cardiology and surgery. Edouard Leaune,Emmanuel Poulet,Patrick Le Bihan,Sami Richa,Emmanuelle Corruble,Hugo Bottemanne. . 2025; :