Pharmacologie - Neurosciecences - Comportement murin
Résumé de l'activité

Denis David, PhD, is Professor of Pharmacology at Paris-Saclay University and in the MOODS team. He characterized new animal model of anxiety/depression, in collaboration with Pr René Hen’s lab using various approaches, such as neurochemical, biochemical and behavioral approaches. Thus, using an ablation strategy of the hippocampal neurogenesis in this new animal model of anxiety/depression, he has shown that hippocampal neurogenesis is required for some of the behavioral effects of antidepressants. He is also currently investigating innovative methods as optogenetic and fiber photometry.

View Pr. David’s publications on Pubmed

Follow Pr. David on Twitter @DenisJDavid 

Organisme d'appartenance

Univ. Paris Saclay

Professeur.e des universités
01 46 83 59 68

Faculté de pharmacie Chatenay Malabry