Quality of survival and cognitive performance in children treated for medulloblastoma in the PNET 4 randomized controlled trial

Quality of survival and cognitive performance in children treated for medulloblastoma in the PNET 4 randomized controlled trial. Câmara-Costa, Hugo; Bull, Kim S.; Kennedy, Colin; Wiener, Andreas; Calaminus, Gabriele; Resch, Anika; Kieffer, Virginie; Lalande, Clémence; Poggi, Geraldina; von Hoff, Katja; Grill, Jacques; Doz, François; Rutkowski, Stefan; Massimino, Maura; Kortmann, Rolf-Dieter; Lannering, Birgitta; Dellatolas, Georges; Chevignard, Mathilde. Neuro-Oncology Practice. 2017; : . doi:10.1093/nop/npw028