Missed opportunities of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in France: a retrospective analysis in the French DAT'AIDS cohort

Missed opportunities of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis in France: a retrospective analysis in the French DAT'AIDS cohort. Lions, C.; Cabras, O.; Cotte, L.; Huleux, T.; Gagneux-Brugnon, A.; Makinson, A.; Cabié, A.; Bonnet, B.; Duvivier, C.; Hocqueloux, L.; Cua, E.; Cheret, A.; Hustache-Mathieu, L.; Obry-Roguet, V.; Jacomet, C.; Poizot-Martin, I.; DAT’AIDS STUDY GROUP. BMC infectious diseases. 2019; 19: p.278. doi:10.1186/s12879-019-3915-5