Host and disease factors are associated with cognitive function in European HIV-infected adults prior to initiation of antiretroviral therapy

Host and disease factors are associated with cognitive function in European HIV-infected adults prior to initiation of antiretroviral therapy. Winston, A.; Stöhr, W.; Antinori, A.; Arenas-Pinto, A.; Llibre, JM.; Amieva, H.; Cabié, A.; Williams, I.; Di Perri, G.; Tellez, MJ.; Rockstroh, J.; Babiker, A.; Pozniak, A.; Raffi, F.; Richert, L.; NEAT 001/Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le SIDA (ANRS) 143 Study Group.. HIV Med. 2016; 17: p.471–8. doi:doi: 10.1111/hiv.12344. Epub 2015 Nov 26