[Association between the violence in the community and the aggressive behaviors of psychotics during their hospitalizations]

[Association between the violence in the community and the aggressive behaviors of psychotics during their hospitalizations]. Rothärmel, M.; Poirier, M.-F.; Levacon, G.; Kazour, F.; Bleher, S.; Gastal, D.; Lazareth, S.; Lebain, P.; Olari, M.; Oukebdane, R.; Rengade, C.-E.; Themines, J.; Abbar, M.; Dollfus, S.; Gassiot, A.; Haouzir, S.; Januel, D.; Millet, B.; Olié, J.-P.; Stamatiadis, L.; Terra, J.-L.; Bénichou, J.; Campion, D.; Guillin, O.. L'Encephale. 2017; 43: p.409-415. doi:10.1016/j.encep.2017.04.002