
Publications pour l'équipe Echappement aux anti-infectieux et pharmacoépidémiologie

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Stillbirths and neonatal mortality in LMICs: A community-based mother-infant cohort study. journalArticle 2023 Rambliere, Lison; de Lauzanne, Agathe; Diouf, Jean-baptiste; Zo, Andrianirina Zafitsara; Landau, Myriam; Herindrainy, Perlinot; Hivernaud, Delphine; Sarr, Fatoumata Diene; Sok, Touch; Vray, Muriel; Collard, Jean-Marc; Borand, Laurence; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Guillemot, Didier; Kermorvant-Duchemin, Elsa; Huynh, Bich-Tram; Lauzanne, Agathe De; Diouf, Jean-baptiste; Zo, Andrianirina Zafitsara; Landau, Myriam; Herindrainy, Perlinot; Hivernaud, Delphine; Sarr, Fatoumata Diene; Sok, Touch; Vray, Muriel
The interactions of SARS-CoV-2 with cocirculating pathogens: Epidemiological implications and current knowledge gaps journalArticle 2023 Wong, A; Guevara, L A B; Goult, E; Briga, M; Kramer, S C; Kovacevic, A; Opatowski, L; de Cellès, M D
Real-life impact of respiratory panel PCR assay on antibiotic prescription in geriatric acute care in the pre-COVID-19 era journalArticle 2023 Lissajoux, Agathe; Denis, Bertrand; Gault, Elyanne; Pépin, Marion; Herr, Marie; Duran, Clara; Teillet, Laurent; Lechowski, Laurent; Dinh, Aurélien
Elevated plasma interleukin-8 as a risk factor for mortality in children presenting with cerebral malaria journalArticle 2023 Royo, Jade; Vianou, Bertin; Accrombessi, Manfred; Kinkpé, Elisée; Ayédadjou, Linda; Dossou-Dagba, Ida; Ladipo, Yélé; Alao, Maroufou Jules; Bertin, Gwladys I; Cot, Michel; Boumédiène, Farid; Houzé, Sandrine; Faucher, Jean François; Aubouy, Agnès; NeuroCM Group
Valproic acid as adjuvant treatment for convulsive status epilepticus: a randomised clinical trial. journalArticle 2023 Sharshar, T; Porcher, R; Asfar, P; Grimaldi, L; Jabot, J; Argaud, L; Lebert, C; Bollaert, P E; Harlay, M L; Chillet, P; Maury, E; Santoli, F; Blanc, P; Sonneville, R; Vu, D C; Rohaut, B; Mazeraud, A; Alvarez, J C; Navarro, V; Clair, B; Outin, H
Defining genomic epidemiology thresholds for common-source bacterial outbreaks: a modelling study journalArticle 2023 Duval, A; Opatowski, L; Brisse, S
Potentially inappropriate medications in nursing homes and the community older adults using the French health insurance databases journalArticle 2023 Drusch, Solene; Le Tri, Thien; Ankri, Joel; Michelon, Hugues; Zureik, Mahmoud; Herr, Marie
How have mathematical models contributed to understanding the transmission and control of SARS-CoV-2 in healthcare settings ? A systematic search and review journalArticle 2023 Chervet, Sophie; Shirreff, George; Oodally, Ajmal; Opatowski, Lulla
Association between vaccination and the risk of central demyelination: results from a case-referent study. journalArticle 2023 Grimaldi-Bensouda, L; Papeix, C; Hamon, Y; Benichou, J; Abenhaim, L
Potentially inappropriate medications and polypharmacy in the older population: A nationwide cross-sectional study in France in 2019 journalArticle 2023 Drusch, Solène; Zureik, Mahmoud; Herr, Marie
Inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and its determinants among outpatient children in 3 low- and middle-income countries: A multicentric community-based cohort study. journalArticle 2023 Ardillon, Antoine; Ramblière, Lison; Kermorvant-Duchemin, Elsa; Sok, Touch; Zo, Andrianirina Zafitsara; Diouf, Jean-Baptiste; Long, Pring; Lach, Siyin; Sarr, Fatoumata Diene; Borand, Laurence; Cheysson, Felix; Collard, Jean-Marc; Herindrainy, Perlinot; de Lauzanne, Agathe; Vray, Muriel; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Guillemot, Didier; Huynh, Bich-Tram
A modeling study on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic responses on the community transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria journalArticle 2023 Kovacevic, Aleksandra; Smith, David R M; Rahbé, Eve; Novelli, Sophie; Henriot, Paul
Vaccination coverage and risk factors associated with incomplete vaccination among children in Cambodia, Madagascar, and Senegal journalArticle 2023 Verrier, Florian; de Lauzanne, Agathe; Diouf, Jean-Baptiste Niokhhor; Zo, Andrianirina Zafitsara; Ramblière, Lison; Herindrainy, Perlinot; Sarr, Fatoumata Diene; Sok, Touch; Vray, Muriel; Collard, Jean-Marc; Borand, Laurence; Kermorvant-Duchemin, Elsa; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Guillemot, Didier; Huynh, Bich-Tram; Group, BIRDY study
Determinants of cerebral aneurysm occlusion after embolization with the WEB device: a single-institution series of 215 cases with angiographic follow-up. journalArticle 2023 Cortese, J; Caroff, J; Chalumeau, V; Gallas, S; Ikka, L; Moret, J; Sabuzi, F; Popescu, S D; Ozanne, A; Grimaldi, L; Mihalea, C; Spelle, L
Collateral impacts of pandemic COVID-19 drive the nosocomial spread of antibiotic resistance: A modelling study journalArticle 2023 Smith, D R M; Shirreff, G; Temime, L; Opatowski, L
Sick leave due to COVID- ­ 19 during the first pandemic wave in France , 2020 journalArticle 2023 Smith, David R M; Jijón, Sofía; Oodally, Ajmal; Shirreff, George; Bouziad, Karim Aït; Testard, Pearl Anne Ante-; Bastard, Jonathan; Bouziri, Hanifa; Daouda, Oumou Salama; Duchemin, Tom; Rensonnet, Anne- Sophie Godon-; Henriot, Paul; Houri, Yasmine; Neynaud, Hélène; Perozziello, Anne; Thonon, Frédérique; Crépey, Pascal; Dab, William; Jean, Kévin; Temime, Laura
Short treatment duration for community-acquired pneumonia journalArticle 2023 Dinh, Aurélien; Cremieux, Anne-Claude; Guillemot, Didier
Vaccines and the Risk of Hospitalization for Multiple Sclerosis Flare-Ups journalArticle 2023 Lamiae Grimaldi,Caroline Papeix,Yann Hamon et al
Antimicrobial Resistance and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with Bacteremia in the Greater Paris Area from 2016 to 2019 journalArticle 2022 Abbara, Salam; Guillemot, Didier; El Oualydy, Salma; Kos, Maeva; Poret, Cécile; Breant, Stéphane; Brun-Buisson, Christian; Watier, Laurence
Modelling the impact of antimicrobial use and external introductions on commensal E. coli colistin resistance in small-scale chicken farms of the Mekong delta of Vietnam journalArticle 2022 Bastard, Jonathan; Nhung, Nguyen Thi; Hien, Vo Be; Kiet, Bach Tuan; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; Carrique-Mas, Juan; Choisy, Marc
Retrospective analysis of SARS-CoV-2 omicron invasion over delta in French regions in 2021–22: a status-based multi-variant model journalArticle 2022 Haschka, Thomas; Vergu, Elisabeta; Roche, Benjamin; Poletto, Chiara; Opatowski, Lulla
Kinetics of monocyte subpopulations during experimental cerebral malaria and its resolution in a model of late chloroquine treatment journalArticle 2022 Royo, Jade; Camara, Aissata; Bertrand, Benedicte; Batigne, Philippe; Coste, Agnes; Pipy, Bernard; Aubouy, Agnes; NeuroCM Group
Thrombosis of Medium-Sized and Large Arteries During Covid-19 Infection: Results of the COVIVASC Study. journalArticle 2022 Coscas, R; Dubosq, M; Charton, J; El Batti, S; Gaudric, J; Koskas, F; Chiche, L; Couture, T; Davaine, J M; Castier, Y; Cerceau, P; El Hajjam, M; Samb, P; Beauchet, A; Grimaldi, L; Javerliat, I; Goeau-Brissonniere, O; Alsac, J M; Onorati, I; Martinod, E; Desgranges, P; Touma, J; Cochennec, F; Pellenc, Q; Julia, P; Coggia, M
Memory functioning 7 years after severe childhood traumatic brain injury: {Results} of the {Traumatisme} {Grave} de l'{Enfant} study journalArticle 2022 Câmara-Costa, Hugo; Viot, Solène; Francillette, Leila; Opatowski, Marion; Toure, Hanna; Brugel, Dominique; Laurent-Vannier, Anne; Meyer, Philippe; Watier, Laurence; Dellatolas, Georges; Chevignard, Mathilde
From Pathophysiological Hypotheses to Case-Control Study Design: Resistance from Antibiotic Exposure in Community-Onset Infections journalArticle 2022 Abbara, Salam; Guillemot, Didier; Brun-Buisson, Christian; Watier, Laurence
Trace elements repartition in body fluids, hair and organs in an autopsied population evaluated by ICP-MS high resolution. journalArticle 2022 Bellouard, M; de la GrandMaison, G L; Cappy, J; Grimaldi, L; Lontsi-Djeagou, A; Alvarez, J C
Estimating the risk of incident SARS-CoV-2 infection among healthcare workers in quarantine hospitals: the Egyptian example journalArticle 2022 Jijón, S; Al Shafie, A; Hassan, E; Duval, A; Hamzi, K; Hendrickx, N; Oodally, A; Opatowski, L; Shirreff, G; Smith, D R M; Tamandjou, C; Jijón, S; Temime, L; Jean, K; Temime, L; Jean, K; El-Kassas, M
Risk factors for household transmission of SARS-Cov-2 : a modelling study in the French national population-based EpiCov cohort group Unité des Virus Emergents , UVE , Aix Marseille Universite , Inserm 1207 , IRD 190 France publique France Corresponding a journalArticle 2022 Manto, Carmelite; Rahib, Delphine; De, Xavier; Epidemiology, Ap-hp; Service, Public Health; Paris-saclay, Hôpitaux Universitaires; Novelli, Sophie; Inserm, U; Bicêtre, Hôpital De; Leclerc, Général
Trends in bacterial sepsis incidence and mortality in France between 2015 and 2019 based on National Health Data System (Système National des données de Santé (SNDS)): a retrospective observational study journalArticle 2022 Pandolfi, Fanny; Guillemot, Didier; Watier, Laurence; Brun-Buisson, Christian
Prevalence and factors associated with faecal carriage of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales among peripartum women in the community in Cambodia journalArticle 2022 de Lauzanne, Agathe; Sreng, Navin; Foucaud, Elsa; Sok, Touch; Chon, Thida; Yem, Chhaily; Hak, Veasna; Heng, Sothada; Soda, Meng; Gouali, Malika; Nadimpalli, Maya; Inghammar, Malin; Rabenandrasana, Mamitina Alain Noah; Collard, Jean Marc; Vray, Muriel; Hello, Simon Le; Kerleguer, Alexandra; Piola, Patrice; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Guillemot, Didier; Huynh, Bich Tram; Borand, Laurence
Measuring Basic Reproduction Number to Assess Effects of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions on Nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 Transmission journalArticle 2022 Shirreff, George; Zahar, Jean Ralph J.-R.; Cauchemez, Simon; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla
Hospital contact patterns and vulnerability to SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks journalArticle 2022 Shirreff, George; Huynh, Bich-Tram; Duval, Audrey; Cristina Pereira, Lara; Annane, Djillali; Dinh, Aurélien; Lambotte, Olivier; Bulifon, Sophie; Guichardon, Magali; Beaune, Sebastien; Toubiana, Julie; Kermovant-Duchemin, Elsa; Chéron, Gerard; Cordel, Hugues; Argaud, Laurent; Douplat, Marion; Abraham, Paul; Tazarourte, Karim; Martin-Gaujard, Géraldine; Vanhems, Philippe; Hilliquin, Delphine; Nguyen, Duc; Chelius, Guillaume; Fraboulet, Antoine; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; Guillemot, Didier
Neonatal acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in the community of a low-income country (NeoLIC): Protocol for a household cohort study in Moramanga, Madagascar journalArticle 2022 Harimanana, Aina; Rakotondrasoa, Andriniaina; Rivoarilala, Lalainasoa Odile; Criscuolo, Alexis; Opatowski, Lulla; Rakotomanana, Elliot Fara Nandrasana; Herindrainy, Perlinot; Collard, J.-M. Jean Marc; Crucitti, Tania; Huynh, B.-T. Bich Tram
Trends in bacterial sepsis incidence and mortality in {France} between 2015 and 2019 based on {National} {Health} {Data} {System} ({Système} {National} des données de {Santé} ({SNDS})): a retrospective observational study journalArticle 2022 Pandolfi, Fanny; Guillemot, Didier; Watier, Laurence; Brun-Buisson, Christian
CLinical Assessment of WEB device in Ruptured aneurYSms (CLARYS): results of 1-month and 1-year assessment of rebleeding protection and clinical safety in a multicenter study. journalArticle 2022 Spelle, L; Herbreteau, D; Caroff, J; Barreau, X; Ferré, J C; Fiehler, J; Januel, A C; Costalat, V; Liebig, T; Bourcier, R; Möhlenbruch, M; Berkefeld, J; Weber, W; Mihalea, C; Ikka, L; Ozanne, A; Cognard, C; Narata, A P; Bibi, R E; Gauvrit, J Y; Raoult, H; Velasco, S; Buhk, J H; Chalumeau, V; Bester, M; Desal, H; du Mesnil de Rochemont, R; Bohner, G; Fischer, S; Biondi, A; Grimaldi, L; Moret, J; Byrne, J; Pierot, L
CLinical Assessment of WEB device in Ruptured aneurYSms (CLARYS): 12-month angiographic results of a multicenter study. journalArticle 2022 Spelle, L; Herbreteau, D; Caroff, J; Barreau, X; Ferré, J C; Fiehler, J; Januel, A C; Costalat, V; Liebig, T; Bourcier, R; Möhlenbruch, M A; Berkefeld, J; Weber, W; Mihalea, C; Ikka, L; Ozanne, A; Cognard, C; Narata, A P; Bibi, R E; Gauvrit, J Y; Raoult, H; Velasco, S; Buhk, J H; Chalumeau, V; Bester, M; Desal, H; du Mesnil de Rochemont, R; Bohner, G; Fischer, S; Gallas, S; Biondi, A; Grimaldi, L; Moret, J; Byrne, J; Pierot, L
Cross-sectional study on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and determinants in healthcare students: interdisciplinary trainings on vaccination are needed journalArticle 2022 Gautier, Sylvain; Luyt, Domitille; Davido, Benjamin; Herr, Marie; Cardot, Thomas; Rousseau, Anne; Annane, Djillali; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Josseran, Loïc
Main Manuscript for Collateral impacts of pandemic COVID-19 drive the nosocomial spread of antibiotic resistance journalArticle 2022 Smith, David R M; Shirreff, George; Temime, Laura; Opatowski, Lulla; Smith, David R M
Non-pharmaceutical interventions and COVID-19 vaccination strategies in Senegal: a modelling study journalArticle 2022 Diarra, Maryam; Kebir, Amira; Talla, Cheikh; Barry, Aliou; Faye, Joseph; Louati, Dorra; Opatowski, Lulla; Diop, Mamadou; White, Lisa J.; Loucoubar, Cheikh; Miled, Slimane Ben
Worldwide antibiotic resistance dynamics: how different is it from one drug-bug pair to another? journalArticle 2022 Rahbe, Eve; Watier, Laurence; Guillemot, Didier; Glaser, Philippe; Opatowski, Lulla