
Publications pour l'équipe Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
Détection automatisée de signaux en pharmacovigilance chez la femme enceinte à partir de bases médico-administratives Prescription drug use during pregnancy in France: a study from the national health insurance permanent sample Identifying drugs inducing prematurity by mining claims data with high-dimensional confounder score strategies thesis 2020 Demailly, Romain; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Prescription drug use during pregnancy in France: a study from the national health insurance permanent sample journalArticle 2017 Demailly, Romain; Escolano, Sylvie; Quantin, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
Identifying Drugs Inducing Prematurity by Mining Claims Data with High-Dimensional Confounder Score Strategies journalArticle 2020 Demailly, Romain; Escolano, Sylvie; Haramburu, Françoise; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
The first wave of COVID-19 in hospital staff members of a tertiary care hospital in the greater Paris area: A surveillance and risk factors study journalArticle 2021 Davido, Benjamin; Gautier, Sylvain; Riom, Isabelle; Landowski, Stephanie; Lawrence, Christine; Thiebaut, Anne; Bessis, Simon; Perronne, Veronique; Mascitti, Helene; Noussair, Latifa; Rancon, Martine Domart; Touraine, Beatrice; Rouveix, Elisabeth; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Annane, Djilalli; de Truchis, Pierre; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Garches COVID-19 Collaborative Group
Where is the causal variant? On the advantage of the family design over the case-control design in genetic association studies journalArticle 2015 Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé
The Use of the Linear Mixed Model in Human Genetics journalArticle 2015 Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé
Accuracy of heritability estimations in presence of hidden population stratification journalArticle 2016 Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Bellenguez, Céline; Debette, Stéphanie; Amouyel, Philippe; Génin, Emmanuelle; Perdry, Hervé
Patterns of chromosomal copy-number alterations in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma journalArticle 2015 Dalmasso, Cyril; Carpentier, Wassila; Guettier, Catherine; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie; Borelli, Wyllians Vendramini; Campos Dos Santos, Cedália Rosane; Castaing, Denis; Duclos-Vallée, Jean-Charles; Broët, Philippe
French Medical-Administrative Database for Epidemiology and Safety in Ophthalmology (EPISAFE): The EPISAFE Collaboration Program in Cataract Surgery journalArticle 2017 Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-Francois; Delcourt, Cécile; Cougnard-Gregoire, Audrey; Delyfer, Marie Noelle; Bron, Alain M.; Carrière, Isabelle; Villain, Max; Daures, Jean Pierre; Lacombe, Sandy; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Incidence of Acute Postoperative Endophthalmitis after Cataract Surgery: A Nationwide Study in France from 2005 to 2014 journalArticle 2016 Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; de Lazzer, Aurélie; Chiquet, Christophe; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine
Is combined cataract surgery associated with acute postoperative endophthalmitis? A nationwide study from 2005 to 2014 journalArticle 2019 Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P.; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine
Impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic peak and lockdown on the interventional management of carotid artery stenosis in France journalArticle 2022 Crespy, Valentin; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Baudry, Anna; Bernard, Chloe; Bejot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Steinmetz, Eric; Quantin, Catherine
New adaptive lasso approaches for variable selection in automated pharmacovigilance signal detection journalArticle 2021 Courtois, Émeline; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
Score de propension en grande dimension et régression pénalisée pour la détection automatisée de signaux en pharmacovigilance Propensity Score-Based Approaches in High Dimension for Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection: an Empirical Comparison on the French Spontaneous Reporting Database New adaptive lasso approaches for variable selection in automated pharmacovigilance signal detection thesis 2020 Courtois, Émeline; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
Propensity Score-Based Approaches in High Dimension for Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection: an Empirical Comparison on the French Spontaneous Reporting Database journalArticle 2018 Courtois, Émeline; Pariente, Antoine; Salvo, Francesco; Volatier, Étienne; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl
Identifying Protective Drugs for Parkinson's Disease in Health-Care Databases Using Machine Learning journalArticle 2022 Courtois, Émeline; Nguyen, Thi Thu Ha; Fournier, Agnès; Carcaillon-Bentata, Laure; Moutengou, Élodie; Escolano, Sylvie; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Elbaz, Alexis; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Ahmed, Ismaïl
Fluoroquinolone Impact on Nasal Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Colonization Durations in Neurologic Long-Term-Care Facilities journalArticle 2015 Couderc, Clotilde; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Lawrence, Christine; Bouchiat, Coralie; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Salomon, Jérôme; Guillemot, Didier; Antibiotic Use and Staphylococcus aureus Resistant to Antibiotics Study Group
Effect of Obesity among Hospitalized Cancer Patients with or without COVID-19 on a National Level journalArticle 2022 Cottenet, Jonathan; Tapia, Solène; Arveux, Patrick; Bernard, Alain; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Quantin, Catherine
Prevalence of patients hospitalised for male breast cancer in France using the French nationwide hospital administrative database journalArticle 2019 Cottenet, Jonathan; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Roussot, Adrien; Arveux, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine
Out-of-maternity deliveries in France: A nationwide population-based study journalArticle 2020 Combier, Evelyne; Roussot, Adrien; Chabernaud, Jean-Louis; Cottenet, Jonathan; Rozenberg, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine
Author Correction: Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries journalArticle 2021 Clesse, Christophe; Cottenet, Jonathan; Lighezzolo-Alnot, Joelle; Goueslard, Karine; Scheffler, Michele; Sagot, Paul; Quantin, Catherine
Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries journalArticle 2020 Christophe, Clesse; Jonathan, Cottenet; Joelle, Lighezzolo-Alnot; Karine, Goueslard; Michele, Scheffler; Paul, Sagot; Catherine, Quantin
School-age human figure drawings by very preterm infants: Validity of the Draw-a-Man test to detect behavioral and cognitive disorders journalArticle 2019 Chollat, C.; Joly, A.; Houivet, E.; Bénichou, J.; Marret, S.
Evaluation of the relationship between plasma transfusion and nosocomial infection after cardiac surgery in children younger than 1 year journalArticle 2015 Chenouard, Alexis; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu; Macher, Julie; Liet, Jean-Michel; Gournay, Véronique; Gras-Le Guen, Christèle; Joram, Nicolas
Rituximab is an effective treatment in patients with pemphigus vulgaris and demonstrates a steroid-sparing effect journalArticle 2019 Chen, D. M.; Odueyungbo, A.; Csinady, E.; Gearhart, L.; Lehane, P.; Cheu, M.; Maho-Vaillant, M.; Prost-Squarcioni, C.; Hebert, V.; Houivet, E.; Calbo, S.; Caillot, F.; Golinski, M. L.; Labeille, B.; Picard-Dahan, C.; Paul, C.; Richard, M. A.; Bouaziz, J. D.; Duvert-Lehembre, S.; Bernard, P.; Caux, F.; Alexandre, M.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Vabres, P.; Delaporte, E.; Quereux, G.; Dupuy, A.; Debarbieux, S.; Avenel-Audran, M.; D'Incan, M.; Bedane, C.; Bénéton, N.; Jullien, D.; Dupin, N.; Misery, L.; Machet, L.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Dereure, O.; Sassolas, B.; Benichou, J.; Musette, P.; Joly, P.; French Study Group on Autoimmune Bullous Diseases
Misspecification of the covariance structure in generalized linear mixed models journalArticle 2016 Chavance, M.; Escolano, S.
Hospitalizations for Anorexia Nervosa during the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: A Nationwide Population-Based Study journalArticle 2022 Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Roussot, Adrien; Vergès, Bruno; Petit, Jean-Michel; Jollant, Fabrice; Quantin, Catherine
Depression and obesity, data from a national administrative database study: Geographic evidence for an epidemiological overlap journalArticle 2019 Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Roussot, Adrien; Cottenet, Jonathan; Brindisi, Marie-Claude; Petit, Jean-Michel; Bonin, Bernard; Vergès, Bruno; Quantin, Catherine
Risk of hospitalization for self-harm among adults hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 in France: A nationwide retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2023 Chauvet-Gelinier, Jean-Christophe; Cottenet, Jonathan; Guillaume, Matthieu; Endomba, Franck-Teddy; Jollant, Fabrice; Quantin, Catherine
Influence of trial duration on the bias of the estimated treatment effect in clinical trials when individual heterogeneity is ignored journalArticle 2015 Cécilia-Joseph, Elsa; Auvert, Bertran; Broët, Philippe; Moreau, Thierry
Short-term exposure to environmental parameters and onset of ST elevation myocardial infarction. The CARDIO-ARSIF registry journalArticle 2015 Caussin, Christophe; Escolano, Sylvie; Mustafic, Hazrije; Bataille, Sophie; Tafflet, Muriel; Chatignoux, Edouard; Lambert, Yves; Benamer, Hakim; Garot, Philippe; Jabre, Patricia; Delorme, Laurent; Varenne, Olivier; Teiger, Emmanuel; Livarek, Bernard; Empana, Jean-Philippe; Spaulding, Christian; Jouven, Xavier; CARDIO-ARSIF Registry Investigators
Joint Bayesian weight and height postnatal growth model to study the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy journalArticle 2017 Carles, Sophie; Charles, Marie-Aline; Heude, Barbara; Ahmed, Ismaïl; Botton, Jérémie; EDEN mother-child study group
Correction: Impact of nutritional status on heart failure mortality: a retrospective cohort study journalArticle 2022 Carime, Nafz Abdoul; Cottenet, Jonathan; Clerfond, Guillaume; Eschalier, Romain; Quilliot, Didier; Eicher, JeanChristophe; Joly, Bertrand; Quantin, Catherine
Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Risk of Stroke: Impact of the Route of Estrogen Administration and Type of Progestogen journalArticle 2016 Canonico, Marianne; Carcaillon, Laure; Plu-Bureau, Geneviève; Oger, Emmanuel; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Elbaz, Alexis; Scarabin, Pierre-Yves
Factors associated with the level of CD4 cell counts at HIV diagnosis in a French cohort: a quantile regression approach journalArticle 2017 Bruneau, Léa; Billaud, Eric; Raffi, François; Hanf, Matthieu
Trends in operating room-based glaucoma procedures in France from 2005 to 2014: a nationwide study journalArticle 2017 Bron, Alain M.; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Arnould, Louis; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean François; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine
Mefloquine Versus Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine for Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy: A Joint Analysis on Efficacy and Tolerability journalArticle 2015 Briand, Valérie; Escolano, Sylvie; Journot, Valérie; Massougbodji, Achille; Cot, Michel; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
[Monitoring network for vulnerable children in the Pays de la Loire ("Grandir ensemble" - Cohort LIFT): 10 years of activity 2003-2013] journalArticle 2015 Branger, B.; Rouger, V.; Berlie, I.; Beucher, A.; Flamant, C.; N'guyen The Tich, S.; Garcia, J.; Brossier, J.-P.; Montcho, Y.; Hanf, M.; Roze, J.-C.; 160 médecins référents du réseau
Autologous Myoblasts for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence: Results of a Phase 2 Randomized Placebo-controlled Study (MIAS) journalArticle 2018 Boyer, Olivier; Bridoux, Valérie; Giverne, Camille; Bisson, Aurélie; Koning, Edith; Leroi, Anne-Marie; Chambon, Pascal; Déhayes, Justine; Le Corre, Stephanie; Jacquot, Serge; Bastit, Dominique; Martinet, Jérémie; Houivet, Estelle; Tuech, Jean-Jacques; Benichou, Jacques; Michot, Francis; and the Study Group of Myoblast Therapy for Faecal Incontinence
Calculation of cut-off values based on the Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disorder Intensity Score (ABSIS) and Pemphigus Disease Area Index (PDAI) pemphigus scoring systems for defining moderate, significant and extensive types of pemphigus journalArticle 2016 Boulard, C.; Duvert Lehembre, S.; Picard-Dahan, C.; Kern, J. S.; Zambruno, G.; Feliciani, C.; Marinovic, B.; Vabres, P.; Borradori, L.; Prost-Squarcioni, C.; Labeille, B.; Richard, M. A.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Houivet, E.; Werth, V. P.; Murrell, D. F.; Hertl, M.; Benichou, J.; Joly, P.; International Pemphigus Study Group