Impact of early postoperative blood glucose variability on serum endocan level in cardiac surgery patients: a sub study of the ENDOLUNG observational study |
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2023 |
Chazal, Etienne; Morin, Lucas; Chocron, Sidney; Lassalle, Philippe; Pili-Floury, Sebastien; Salomon du Mont, Lucie; Ferreira, David; Samain, Emmanuel; Perrotti, Andrea; Besch, Guillaume |
Rituximab is an effective treatment in patients with pemphigus vulgaris and demonstrates a steroid-sparing effect |
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2019 |
Chen, D. M.; Odueyungbo, A.; Csinady, E.; Gearhart, L.; Lehane, P.; Cheu, M.; Maho-Vaillant, M.; Prost-Squarcioni, C.; Hebert, V.; Houivet, E.; Calbo, S.; Caillot, F.; Golinski, M. L.; Labeille, B.; Picard-Dahan, C.; Paul, C.; Richard, M. A.; Bouaziz, J. D.; Duvert-Lehembre, S.; Bernard, P.; Caux, F.; Alexandre, M.; Ingen-Housz-Oro, S.; Vabres, P.; Delaporte, E.; Quereux, G.; Dupuy, A.; Debarbieux, S.; Avenel-Audran, M.; D'Incan, M.; Bedane, C.; Bénéton, N.; Jullien, D.; Dupin, N.; Misery, L.; Machet, L.; Beylot-Barry, M.; Dereure, O.; Sassolas, B.; Benichou, J.; Musette, P.; Joly, P.; French Study Group on Autoimmune Bullous Diseases |
Evaluation of the relationship between plasma transfusion and nosocomial infection after cardiac surgery in children younger than 1 year |
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2015 |
Chenouard, Alexis; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu; Macher, Julie; Liet, Jean-Michel; Gournay, Véronique; Gras-Le Guen, Christèle; Joram, Nicolas |
School-age human figure drawings by very preterm infants: Validity of the Draw-a-Man test to detect behavioral and cognitive disorders |
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2019 |
Chollat, C.; Joly, A.; Houivet, E.; Bénichou, J.; Marret, S. |
Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries |
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2020 |
Christophe, Clesse; Jonathan, Cottenet; Joelle, Lighezzolo-Alnot; Karine, Goueslard; Michele, Scheffler; Paul, Sagot; Catherine, Quantin |
Author Correction: Episiotomy practices in France: epidemiology and risk factors in non-operative vaginal deliveries |
journalArticle |
2021 |
Clesse, Christophe; Cottenet, Jonathan; Lighezzolo-Alnot, Joelle; Goueslard, Karine; Scheffler, Michele; Sagot, Paul; Quantin, Catherine |
New insights into minor splicing-a transcriptomic analysis of cells derived from TALS patients |
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2019 |
Cologne, Audric; Benoit-Pilven, Clara; Besson, Alicia; Putoux, Audrey; Campan-Fournier, Amandine; Bober, Michael B.; De Die-Smulders, Christine E. M.; Paulussen, Aimee D. C.; Pinson, Lucile; Toutain, Annick; Roifman, Chaim M.; Leutenegger*, Anne-Louise; Mazoyer*, Sylvie; Edery*, Patrick; Lacroix*, Vincent |
Out-of-maternity deliveries in France: A nationwide population-based study |
journalArticle |
2020 |
Combier, Evelyne; Roussot, Adrien; Chabernaud, Jean-Louis; Cottenet, Jonathan; Rozenberg, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine |
Eye health |
journalArticle |
1988 |
Connell, A. M. |
Identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la survenue d'hémorragies intracrâniennes fœtales |
thesis |
Coste, Thibault; Tournier-lasserve, Elisabeth |
COL4A1/COL4A2 and inherited platelet disorder gene variants in fetuses showing intracranial hemorrhage |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Coste, Thibault; Vincent-Delorme, Catherine; Stichelbout, Morgane; Devisme, Louise; Gelot, Antoinette; Deryabin, Igor; Pelluard, Fanny; Aloui, Chaker; Leutenegger, Anne-Louise; Jouannic, Jean-Marie; Héron, Delphine; Gould, Douglas B.; Tournier-Lasserve, Elisabeth |
Prevalence of patients hospitalised for male breast cancer in France using the French nationwide hospital administrative database |
journalArticle |
2019 |
Cottenet, Jonathan; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Roussot, Adrien; Arveux, Patrick; Quantin, Catherine |
Effect of Obesity among Hospitalized Cancer Patients with or without COVID-19 on a National Level |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Cottenet, Jonathan; Tapia, Solène; Arveux, Patrick; Bernard, Alain; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Quantin, Catherine |
Fluoroquinolone Impact on Nasal Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Colonization Durations in Neurologic Long-Term-Care Facilities |
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2015 |
Couderc, Clotilde; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Lawrence, Christine; Bouchiat, Coralie; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Salomon, Jérôme; Guillemot, Didier; Antibiotic Use and Staphylococcus aureus Resistant to Antibiotics Study Group |
Identifying Protective Drugs for Parkinson's Disease in Health-Care Databases Using Machine Learning |
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2022 |
Courtois, Émeline; Nguyen, Thi Thu Ha; Fournier, Agnès; Carcaillon-Bentata, Laure; Moutengou, Élodie; Escolano, Sylvie; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale; Elbaz, Alexis; Thiébaut*, Anne C. M.; Ahmed*, Ismaïl |
Propensity Score-Based Approaches in High Dimension for Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection: an Empirical Comparison on the French Spontaneous Reporting Database |
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2018 |
Courtois, Émeline; Pariente, Antoine; Salvo, Francesco; Volatier, Étienne; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale; Ahmed*, Ismaïl |
New adaptive lasso approaches for variable selection in automated pharmacovigilance signal detection |
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2021 |
Courtois, Émeline; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale; Ahmed*, Ismaïl |
Score de propension en grande dimension et régression pénalisée pour la détection automatisée de signaux en pharmacovigilance Propensity Score-Based Approaches in High Dimension for Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection: an Empirical Comparison on the French Spontaneous Reporting Database New adaptive lasso approaches for variable selection in automated pharmacovigilance signal detection |
thesis |
2020 |
Courtois, Émeline; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale |
Impact of the first COVID-19 pandemic peak and lockdown on the interventional management of carotid artery stenosis in France |
journalArticle |
2022 |
Crespy, Valentin; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; Baudry, Anna; Bernard, Chloe; Bejot, Yannick; Giroud, Maurice; Steinmetz, Eric; Quantin, Catherine |
Is combined cataract surgery associated with acute postoperative endophthalmitis? A nationwide study from 2005 to 2014 |
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2019 |
Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine P.; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Benzenine, Eric; Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine |
Incidence of Acute Postoperative Endophthalmitis after Cataract Surgery: A Nationwide Study in France from 2005 to 2014 |
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2016 |
Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Benzenine, Eric; Mariet, Anne-Sophie; de Lazzer, Aurélie; Chiquet, Christophe; Bron, Alain M.; Quantin, Catherine |
French Medical-Administrative Database for Epidemiology and Safety in Ophthalmology (EPISAFE): The EPISAFE Collaboration Program in Cataract Surgery |
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2017 |
Daien, Vincent; Korobelnik, Jean-Francois; Delcourt, Cécile; Cougnard-Gregoire, Audrey; Delyfer, Marie Noelle; Bron, Alain M.; Carrière, Isabelle; Villain, Max; Daures, Jean Pierre; Lacombe, Sandy; Mariet, Anne Sophie; Quantin, Catherine; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine |
Patterns of chromosomal copy-number alterations in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma |
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2015 |
Dalmasso, Cyril; Carpentier, Wassila; Guettier, Catherine; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie; Borelli, Wyllians Vendramini; Campos Dos Santos, Cedália Rosane; Castaing, Denis; Duclos-Vallée, Jean-Charles; Broët, Philippe |
Accuracy of heritability estimations in presence of hidden population stratification |
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2016 |
Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Bellenguez, Céline; Debette, Stéphanie; Amouyel, Philippe; Génin, Emmanuelle; Perdry, Hervé |
Where is the causal variant? On the advantage of the family design over the case-control design in genetic association studies |
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2015 |
Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé |
The Use of the Linear Mixed Model in Human Genetics |
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2015 |
Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé |
Provincial variation in colorectal cancer screening adherence in Canada; evidence from the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow's Health |
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2023 |
Darvishian, Maryam; Moustaqim-Barrette, Amina; Awadalla, Philip; Bhatti, Parveen; Broet, Philippe; McDonald, Kelly; Murphy, Rachel A.; Skead, Kimberly; Urquhart, Robin; Vena, Jennifer; Dummer, Trevor J. B. |
The first wave of COVID-19 in hospital staff members of a tertiary care hospital in the greater Paris area: A surveillance and risk factors study |
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2021 |
Davido, Benjamin; Gautier, Sylvain; Riom, Isabelle; Landowski, Stephanie; Lawrence, Christine; Thiebaut, Anne; Bessis, Simon; Perronne, Veronique; Mascitti, Helene; Noussair, Latifa; Rancon, Martine Domart; Touraine, Beatrice; Rouveix, Elisabeth; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Annane, Djilalli; de Truchis, Pierre; Delarocque-Astagneau, Elisabeth; Garches COVID-19 Collaborative Group |
Identifying Drugs Inducing Prematurity by Mining Claims Data with High-Dimensional Confounder Score Strategies |
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2020 |
Demailly, Romain; Escolano, Sylvie; Haramburu, Françoise; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale; Ahmed*, Ismaïl |
Prescription drug use during pregnancy in France: a study from the national health insurance permanent sample |
journalArticle |
2017 |
Demailly, Romain; Escolano, Sylvie; Quantin, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter*, Pascale; Ahmed, Ismaïl |
Détection automatisée de signaux en pharmacovigilance chez la femme enceinte à partir de bases médico-administratives Prescription drug use during pregnancy in France: a study from the national health insurance permanent sample Identifying drugs inducing prematurity by mining claims data with high-dimensional confounder score strategies |
thesis |
2020 |
Demailly, Romain; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale |
Oral health treatment habits of people with schizophrenia in France: A retrospective cohort study |
journalArticle |
2020 |
Denis, Frédéric; Goueslard, Karine; Siu-Paredes, Francesca; Amador, Gilles; Rusch, Emmanuel; Bertaud, Valérie; Quantin, Catherine |
Effect of storage time and donor sex of transfused red blood cells on 1-year survival in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: an observational study |
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2016 |
Desmarets, Maxime; Bardiaux, Laurent; Benzenine, Eric; Dussaucy, Alain; Binda, Delphine; Tiberghien, Pierre; Quantin, Catherine; Monnet, Elisabeth |
Combined effects of increasing maternal age and nulliparity on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and small for gestational age |
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2019 |
Desplanches, Thomas; Bouit, Camille; Cottenet, Jonathan; Szczepanski, Emilie; Quantin, Catherine; Fauque, Patricia; Sagot, Paul |
Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic tests for threatened preterm labor in singleton pregnancy in France |
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2018 |
Desplanches, Thomas; Lejeune, Catherine; Cottenet, Jonathan; Sagot, Paul; Quantin, Catherine |
Mediolateral episiotomy and risk of obstetric anal sphincter injuries and adverse neonatal outcomes during operative vaginal delivery in nulliparous women: a propensity-score analysis |
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2022 |
Desplanches, Thomas; Marchand-Martin, Laetitia; Szczepanski, Emilie-Denise; Ruillier, Marie; Cottenet, Jonathan; Semama, Denis; Simon, Emmanuel; Quantin, Catherine; Sagot, Paul |
A novel classification for evaluating episiotomy practices: application to the Burgundy perinatal network |
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2019 |
Desplanches, Thomas; Szczepanski, Emilie; Cottenet, Jonathan; Semama, Denis; Quantin, Catherine; Sagot, Paul |
Six-year survival study after myocardial infarction: The EOLE prospective cohort study. Long-term survival after MI |
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2019 |
Droz-Perroteau, Cécile; Blin, Patrick; Dureau-Pournin, Caroline; Thomas, Daniel; Danchin, Nicolas; Tricoire, Jacques; Paillard, François; Hercberg, Serge; Guize, Louis; Guiard, Estelle; Maïzi, Hélène; Bernard, Marie-Agnès; Bénichou, Jacques; Moore, Nicholas |
Assessing the effect of genetic markers on drug immunogenicity from a mechanistic model-based approach |
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2020 |
Duhazé, Julianne; Caubet, Miguel; Hässler, Signe; Bachelet, Delphine; Allez, Matthieu; Deisenhammer, Florian; Fogdell-Hahn, Anna; Gleizes, Aude; Hacein-Bey-Abina, Salima; Mariette, Xavier; Pallardy, Marc; Broët, Philippe; ABIRISK Consortium |
A Machine Learning Approach for High-Dimensional Time-to-Event Prediction With Application to Immunogenicity of Biotherapies in the ABIRISK Cohort |
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2020 |
Duhazé, Julianne; Hässler, Signe; Bachelet, Delphine; Gleizes, Aude; Hacein-Bey-Abina, Salima; Allez, Matthieu; Deisenhammer, Florian; Fogdell-Hahn, Anna; Mariette, Xavier; Pallardy, Marc; Broët, Philippe |