Correction to: Multicenter randomized controlled trial on the comparison of multi-family therapy (MFT) and systemic single-family therapy (SFT) in young patients with anorexia nervosa: study protocol of the THERAFAMBEST study

Correction to: Multicenter randomized controlled trial on the comparison of multi-family therapy (MFT) and systemic single-family therapy (SFT) in young patients with anorexia nervosa: study protocol of the THERAFAMBEST study. Carrot, Benjamin; Duclos, Jeanne; Barry, Caroline; Radon, Leslie; Maria, Anne-Solène; Kaganski, Irène; Jeremic, Zorica; Barton-Clegg, Vesper; Corcos, Maurice; Lasfar, Malaïka; Gerardin, Priscille; Harf, Aurélie; Moro, Marie-Rose; Blanchet, Corinne; Bahrami, Stéphane; Godart, Nathalie. Trials. 2020; 21: p.196. doi:10.1186/s13063-020-4106-9