Two awards for Naila Myriam ABA
Great performance for Naila Myriam ABA, who has just won both the Best Oral Presentation Award at the EPICLIN congress, May 2023, and the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Isored congress, May 2023, Sitges, Spain.
Initially trained in Microbiology in Algeria (University of Tizi-Ouzou), she obtained a Master 2 in Public Health - Statistics, Modeling and Data Science in Health (SMSDS), at the University of Paris. After an internship with the CLEPIVIR team at the Institut Pierre Louis d'Epidémiologie, on the re-analysis of the association between type of treatment and occurrence of HCC in the Hepather cohort and study of the impact of left truncation of exposures, since November 2019 she has been working as a PhD student in the Epidemiology of Radiation team | cesp team (
Her thesis, supervised by Nadia Haddy and co-supervised by Gwénaël Le Teuff of the Oncostat team, focuses on the Identification of predictive biological markers of cardiac diseases following childhood cancer treatment.