Primary care and prevention
Our research focus on primary care, on the interface between primary care and hospital, and on preventive healthcare. The French 2016 health law encourages the general practitioner (GP) to become the cornerstone of our health system. In this context, we are witnessing (i) the introduction of new organisations such as the grouping of primary care professionals in multi-professional health centres and the emergence of new methods of remunerating doctors, and (ii) the shift to ambulatory care, i.e. from a hospital-centred system to a system that makes the GP (and other primary care professionals) the coordinator of care pathways between ambulatory services and the hospital via the development of ambulatory surgery, for example in gynaecological-obstetrics, or the deployment of telemedicine devices for the management of patients with chronic diseases in primary care. Issues of access, financing, quality, effectiveness and efficiency of care are at the heart of our health services research issues, from the point of view of both the user/patient and the health professional.
Preventive healthcare is also presented in the 2016 health law as a promising investment to reduce health inequalities, avoidable mortality and eventually future health expenditure. Regarding our research program, this prevention approach includes the production and analysis of large representative surveys of the general population on the use of licit and illicit drugs and on health behaviour in terms of contraception and sexuality. It applies to risk and harm reduction in general medicine or addiction treatment facilities, to therapeutic responses to addictive behaviours, to the use of screening (sexual and reproductive health, chronic diseases) and also to quaternary prevention, which is synonymous with the fight against over-medicalisation.
Hôpital Paul Brousse, Bat. 15/16
16 av, Paul Vaillant Couturier
94807 Villejuif
UFR de Santé Simone Veil, UVSQ