
Publications for the team Biostatistique en grande dimension

Titre Publication Type Publication year Auteur
A Bagged, Partially Linear, Tree-Based Regression Procedure for Prediction and Variable Selection journalArticle 2015 Mbogning, Cyprien; Perdry, Hervé; Broët, Philippe
Positive Predictive Value of French Hospitalization Discharge Codes for Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack journalArticle 2015 Giroud, Maurice; Hommel, Marc; Benzenine, Eric; Fauconnier, Jérôme; Béjot, Yannick; Quantin, Catherine; FRESCO Study
Comparison of rehospitalization rates in France and the United States journalArticle 2015 Gusmano, Michael; Rodwin, Victor; Weisz, Daniel; Cottenet, Jonathan; Quantin, Catherine
How do GP practices and patient characteristics influence the prescription of antidepressants? A cross-sectional study journalArticle 2015 Mercier, Alain; Benichou, Jacques; Auger-Aubin, Isabelle; Lebeau, Jean-Pierre; Houivet, Estelle; Van Royen, Paul; Peremans, Lieve
[Comparison of British and French expatriate doctors' characteristics and motivations] journalArticle 2015 Abbas, R.; Carnet, D.; D'Athis, P.; Fiet, C.; Le Breton, G.; Romestaing, M.; Quantin, C.
Mefloquine Versus Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine for Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Pregnancy: A Joint Analysis on Efficacy and Tolerability journalArticle 2015 Briand, Valérie; Escolano, Sylvie; Journot, Valérie; Massougbodji, Achille; Cot, Michel; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
The Use of the Linear Mixed Model in Human Genetics journalArticle 2015 Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé
Haemoptysis in adults: a 5-year study using the French nationwide hospital administrative database journalArticle 2015 Abdulmalak, Caroline; Cottenet, Jonathan; Beltramo, Guillaume; Georges, Marjolaine; Camus, Philippe; Bonniaud, Philippe; Quantin, Catherine
The Association of Urbanicity with Cognitive Development at Five Years of Age in Preterm Children journalArticle 2015 Gouin, Marion; Flamant, Cyril; Gascoin, Géraldine; Rouger, Valérie; Florin, Agnès; Guimard, Philippe; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu
Patterns of chromosomal copy-number alterations in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma journalArticle 2015 Dalmasso, Cyril; Carpentier, Wassila; Guettier, Catherine; Camilleri-Broët, Sophie; Borelli, Wyllians Vendramini; Campos Dos Santos, Cedália Rosane; Castaing, Denis; Duclos-Vallée, Jean-Charles; Broët, Philippe
[Evaluation of the metrological quality of the medico-administrative data for perinatal indicators: A pilot study in 3 university hospitals] journalArticle 2015 Pierron, A.; Revert, M.; Goueslard, K.; Vuagnat, A.; Cottenet, J.; Benzenine, E.; Fresson, J.; Quantin, C.
Incidence and risk factors for striae gravidarum journalArticle 2015 Picard, Damien; Sellier, Séverine; Houivet, Estelle; Marpeau, Loic; Fournet, Patrick; Thobois, Bernard; Bénichou, Jacques; Joly, Pascal
Hospitalization within the first year after stroke: the Dijon stroke registry journalArticle 2015 Lainay, Claire; Benzenine, Eric; Durier, Jérôme; Daubail, Benoit; Giroud, Maurice; Quantin, Catherine; Béjot, Yannick
Fluoroquinolone Impact on Nasal Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus Colonization Durations in Neurologic Long-Term-Care Facilities journalArticle 2015 Couderc, Clotilde; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Lawrence, Christine; Bouchiat, Coralie; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Salomon, Jérôme; Guillemot, Didier; Antibiotic Use and Staphylococcus aureus Resistant to Antibiotics Study Group
Evaluation of the relationship between plasma transfusion and nosocomial infection after cardiac surgery in children younger than 1 year journalArticle 2015 Chenouard, Alexis; Rozé, Jean-Christophe; Hanf, Matthieu; Macher, Julie; Liet, Jean-Michel; Gournay, Véronique; Gras-Le Guen, Christèle; Joram, Nicolas
Where is the causal variant? On the advantage of the family design over the case-control design in genetic association studies journalArticle 2015 Dandine-Roulland, Claire; Perdry, Hervé
Detection of Temporal Clusters of Healthcare-Associated Infections or Colonizations with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Two Hospitals: Comparison of SaTScan and WHONET Software Packages journalArticle 2015 Lefebvre, Annick; Bertrand, Xavier; Vanhems, Philippe; Lucet, Jean-Christophe; Chavanet, Pascal; Astruc, Karine; Thouverez, Michelle; Quantin, Catherine; Aho-Glélé, Ludwig Serge
Detailed contact data and the dissemination of Staphylococcus aureus in hospitals journalArticle 2015 Obadia, Thomas; Silhol, Romain; Opatowski, Lulla; Temime, Laura; Legrand, Judith; Thiébaut, Anne C. M.; Herrmann, Jean-Louis; Fleury, Éric; Guillemot, Didier; Boëlle, Pierre-Yves; I-Bird Study Group
Correlation between Density of CD8+ T-cell Infiltrate in Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Cancers and Frameshift Mutations: A Rationale for Personalized Immunotherapy journalArticle 2015 Maby, Pauline; Tougeron, David; Hamieh, Mohamad; Mlecnik, Bernhard; Kora, Hafid; Bindea, Gabriela; Angell, Helen K.; Fredriksen, Tessa; Elie, Nicolas; Fauquembergue, Emilie; Drouet, Aurélie; Leprince, Jérôme; Benichou, Jacques; Mauillon, Jacques; Le Pessot, Florence; Sesboüé, Richard; Tuech, Jean-Jacques; Sabourin, Jean-Christophe; Michel, Pierre; Frébourg, Thierry; Galon, Jérôme; Latouche, Jean-Baptiste
[Management of sudden unexpected infant death syndrome (SUIDS) in reference centers in France in 2013] journalArticle 2015 Levieux, K.; Patural, H.; Harrewijn, I.; Hanf, M.; Gras Leguen, C.; l’Association nationale des centres référents de la mort inattendue du nourrisson (ANCReMIN)
Short-term exposure to environmental parameters and onset of ST elevation myocardial infarction. The CARDIO-ARSIF registry journalArticle 2015 Caussin, Christophe; Escolano, Sylvie; Mustafic, Hazrije; Bataille, Sophie; Tafflet, Muriel; Chatignoux, Edouard; Lambert, Yves; Benamer, Hakim; Garot, Philippe; Jabre, Patricia; Delorme, Laurent; Varenne, Olivier; Teiger, Emmanuel; Livarek, Bernard; Empana, Jean-Philippe; Spaulding, Christian; Jouven, Xavier; CARDIO-ARSIF Registry Investigators
Which patients with rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, or juvenile idiopathic arthritis receive TNF-α antagonists in France? The CORPUS cohort study journalArticle 2015 Saraux, Alain; Benichou, Jacques; Guillevin, Loic; Idbrik, Latifa; Job-Deslandre, Chantal; Sibilia, Jean; Soudant, Marc; Wendling, Daniel; Guillemin, Francis
Construction of quality of life change patterns: example in oncology in a phase III therapeutic trial (FFCD 0307) journalArticle 2015 Nuemi, Gillles; Devilliers, Hervé; Le Malicot, Karine; Guimbaud, Rosine; Lepage, Côme; Quantin, Catherine
[Monitoring network for vulnerable children in the Pays de la Loire ("Grandir ensemble" - Cohort LIFT): 10 years of activity 2003-2013] journalArticle 2015 Branger, B.; Rouger, V.; Berlie, I.; Beucher, A.; Flamant, C.; N'guyen The Tich, S.; Garcia, J.; Brossier, J.-P.; Montcho, Y.; Hanf, M.; Roze, J.-C.; 160 médecins référents du réseau
Intussusception risk after RotaTeq vaccination: evaluation from worldwide spontaneous reporting data using a self-controlled case series approach journalArticle 2015 Escolano, Sylvie; Hill, Catherine; Tubert-Bitter, Pascale
[Breast cancer screening in thirteen French departments] journalArticle 2015 Ouédraogo, Samiratou; Dabakuyo-Yonli, Tienhan Sandrine; Roussot, Adrien; Dialla, Pegdwendé Olivia; Pornet, Carole; Poillot, Marie-Laure; Soler-Michel, Patricia; Sarlin, Nathalie; Lunaud, Philippe; Desmidt, Pascal; Paré, Etienne; Mathis, Corinne; Rymzhanova, Rachouan; Kuntz-Huon, Janine; Exbrayat, Catherine; Bataillard, Anne; Régnier, Véronique; Kalecinski, Julie; Quantin, Catherine; Dumas, Agnès; Gentil, Julie; Amiel, Philippe; Chauvin, Franck; Dancourt, Vincent; Arveux, Patrick
Influence of trial duration on the bias of the estimated treatment effect in clinical trials when individual heterogeneity is ignored journalArticle 2015 Cécilia-Joseph, Elsa; Auvert, Bertran; Broët, Philippe; Moreau, Thierry
Association of occupational exposure with features of systemic sclerosis journalArticle 2015 Marie, Isabelle; Menard, Jean-François; Duval-Modeste, Anne-Bénédicte; Joly, Pascal; Dominique, Stéphane; Bravard, Pierre; Noël, David; Gehanno, Jean-François; Bubenheim, Michael; Benichou, Jacques; Levesque, Hervé
Standardizing terms, definitions and concepts for describing and interpreting unwanted immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals: recommendations of the Innovative Medicines Initiative ABIRISK consortium journalArticle 2015 Rup, B.; Pallardy, M.; Sikkema, D.; Albert, T.; Allez, M.; Broet, P.; Carini, C.; Creeke, P.; Davidson, J.; De Vries, N.; Finco, D.; Fogdell-Hahn, A.; Havrdova, E.; Hincelin-Mery, A.; C Holland, M.; H Jensen, P. E.; Jury, E. C.; Kirby, H.; Kramer, D.; Lacroix-Desmazes, S.; Legrand, J.; Maggi, E.; Maillère, B.; Mariette, X.; Mauri, C.; Mikol, V.; Mulleman, D.; Oldenburg, J.; Paintaud, G.; R Pedersen, C.; Ruperto, N.; Seitz, R.; Spindeldreher, S.; Deisenhammer, F.; ABIRISK Consortium
Multi-state relative survival modelling of colorectal cancer progression and mortality journalArticle 2015 Gilard-Pioc, Séverine; Abrahamowicz, Michal; Mahboubi, Amel; Bouvier, Anne-Marie; Dejardin, Olivier; Huszti, Ella; Binquet, Christine; Quantin, Catherine
Antenatal magnesium sulfate and outcomes for school-aged children journalArticle 2015 Marret, Stéphane; Bénichou, Jacques
[Surveillance and detection of unusual events in toxicovigilance: Review of relevant methods] journalArticle 2015 Faisandier, L.; Fouillet, A.; Bicout, D. J.; Golliot, F.; Ahmed, I.; Bringay, S.; Eilstein, D.
Occupational exposures and fluorescent oxidation products in 723 adults of the EGEA study journalArticle 2015 Dumas, Orianne; Matran, Régis; Zerimech, Farid; Decoster, Brigitte; Huyvaert, Helene; Ahmed, Ismail; Le Moual, Nicole; Nadif, Rachel
Eye health journalArticle 1988 Connell, A. M.
Identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la survenue d'hémorragies intracrâniennes fœtales thesis Coste, Thibault; Tournier-lasserve, Elisabeth